Tag Archives: Tucso

Patricia Konarski-Tucson: There are Two New Books I’d Like to Share With You!

I’m sure all of you have heard by now of the two new books written by two publicly prominent individuals: Tim Geithner’s Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises and Lynne Cheney’s James Madison: A Life Reconsidered.  These books were superbly written by the foregoing authors about one, an event in our recent history that put our lives the way we knew it in real jeopardy; and two, an individual who deserves great credit for his contributions to the formation of our republic, the awarding of credit of which until now, in some respects, has been largely lacking.  I’ll likely offer some more of my insights into these books a few months from now (after both books have had time to be on the market for those interested to read them without knowing about my spoiling thoughts first).                                 

Patricia Konarski
–Freelance editor and owner of Patricia Konarski Literary Services of Tucson